Introduction of Buddhism and History of BuddhismIn sixth century the Northern side of India was divided in to many states and some are monarchical and some are non monarchical. Anga, Kashi, Maghad, Kosala, Virji, Malla, Vatsa,Asmka, Avanti, Kambhoj are monarchical. Sakyas of Kapilvastu, Lichhavis of Vaishali, the Mallas of Pava and khushinira, the videhas of Mithila are some non monarchical States and theses Sates were known as Janpada. Non monarchical as Sangh or Gana. Sakyas of Kapilvastu whether it was republican and that there were many ruling families in the republic of Sakyas that they ruled in turns in turns, and head the ruling family was known as Raja.
At the time of the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, It was the turn of Suddhodana to be turn of Raja. Sakya state was situated in the northeast corner of India. Later stage the King of Kosala paramountacy over it kingdoms. Kosala was a powerful kingdom of maghad. Bimbisara, King of Magadha and, Pasanedi, king of Kosala were contemporaries of Siddhartha Gautama. Suddhodana was wealthy person and he lived quite a luxurious life and had many palaces and one thousand ploughs to till land he owned.
The Siddhartha was born on the Vaishakha Paurnima day in the year 563 B.C. Suddhodana and Mahamaya were married for along time but they had no issue. Ultimately when a son was born to them, Siddhartha birth was celebrated with great rejoicing with great pomp and ceremony, by Suddhodana and his family and also by the Sakyas. At the time of the birth Siddhartha it was the turn of Suddhodana to be the ruler of kapilvatsu, and Suddhodana was in the enjoyment of the title of Raja. Naturally the son Siddhartha was called Prince.
Childhood and Education of Siddhartha
Prince Siddhartha had learned the science of concentration and mediation from Bhardawaj. Suddhodhana having poured out water of dedication from handed over the boy he was second teacher. Prince Siddhartha mastered all the philosophic system a disciple of Alara Kalam, who had his ashram Kapilvastu.
Marriage of Siddhartha Gautama
Siddhartha married at the age of 19 with Yeshodhara who is daughter of Dandpani. She was very beautiful as well as known for her sila, she was sixteen.
Meaning of Buddha word and his Dhamma
However he found that his life was boring, Buddha means Enlightened One. However, Buddha found that this life was boring, dull and his left on home into search of the enlightenment. On Buddha journey was started, he met a sick man, a corpse and an old man. For these journeys, Buddha determined that suffering was common humankind. After that Buddha came on a peaceful monk and calm. Buddha changed his view on life. This resolution is recognized as the Great Renunciation. Approximately 528 BC, as sitting below a Budhi tree and Buddha understood the meaning of life. Buddha achieved forty nine days later of the great enlightenment and known as Buddha. During this revelation, Buddha discovered means to salvation as of suffering. Buddha started preaching and gave first discourse into Deer park into Benares. Buddha traveled during the Valley of Ganges River, teaching his attracting followers, founding religious communities and doctrines.
Buddha was founded Buddhism. Buddha may be attributed by the qualities for a great man. Buddha returned to native place and converted his father, his wife, and other family members to his beliefs. On duration, tatty out with his lengthy life activity, Buddha fell ill behind a meal for dried boars flesh. Buddha was death into age of 80th in Kusinagara, Nepal. The about date of Buddha death is 483 BC. Buddha was a modern of two extra Confucius, Pythagoras and well known religious philosophers.
What is Buddhism?

Buddhism does not include the belief for worshipping a maker god. Buddhism practices for example meditation. Meditation means changing oneself into order to build on the qualities of wisdom, kindness and awareness. Above thousand years, Buddhist experience developed that has made an incomparable resource and wish to follow the path. Path means culminates into Buddha hood or Enlightenment. The fundamental tenets of the Buddhist teaching are practical and straightforward: nothing is permanent or fixed; change is a possible; actions have results. So Buddhism itself addresses to every person irrespective of the gender, nationality or race. Buddhism is teaching for practical methods.
Moral order is Dhamma
- There is an order in the physical world and proved by phenomenon, certain order in the movements and action of the starry bodies, there is certain order by which season come and go in sequence, there is certain order by which seeds goes into trees, and tress yields fruits and fruits gives seeds. In Buddhist terminology these are called Niyamas, laws which produce an orderly sequence such as Rutu Niyam, Bija Niyam.
- Similarly there is a moral order in Human society. How it is produced? How its maintained? God is the Supreme Governor of the world is the answer of this question who believe on god overcome these difficulties the thesis has been somewhat modified. Here no doubt creation took effect at the command of God, it is also true that the cosmos entered upon its life by his will and by his direction. And it is also true that God imparted to the cosmos once for all the energy which served as the driving power of a stupendous mechanism, but God leaves it to Nature to work itself out in obedience to the laws originally given by him.
- That was Buddha's answer to the question was simple. It is the Kamma Niyam and not God which maintained.
- Kamma means man's action and vipaka its effect. Speaking of the law of Kamma If the moral order is good does Khusal means good kamma. If the moral order is bad because man does Akusala means bad kamma
- Buddha wanted to convey was that the effect of the deed was bound to follow it was like Niyam or rule.
Nirvana means "the blowing out" of existence. Nirvana is extremely various from the Christian concept of heaven. Nirvana is no a place similar to heaven other than rather a state for being. Nirvana is a state being of everlasting. Buddha never gives an accurate description of the Nirvana, other than Buddha close reply Nirvana. There is a condition, disciples, somewhere there is earth or water, air or light, limitless space, limitless time, some type of being, ideation or non- ideation, this world or that world."
Samsara or Transmigration
Samsara or Transmigration is one of the mainly difficult and confusing concepts into Buddhism to appreciate. The Samsara law holds that all is into a birth and rebirth cycle. Buddha taught to people don't have individual souls. There is not everlasting substance of person that leaves during rebirth cycle.
Nibbana is dhamma
- Nibbana they meant the salvation of the soul.
- Three perfections in life of dhamma
- Three perfections in life of dhamma is body, speech and mind.
- Right speech
- Right knowledge
- Right effort
- Right concentration
- Right thinking
- Right conduct
- Right mindfulness
- Right livelihood
- Hindu religion is child of Brahman Religion; Brahman religion is Child of Vedic Religion. Buddhism is an ideology separated out in the time of Brahman religion, not from Hindu religion in the form of Buddha.
- Any person of any religion can become Buddhist if he wants to remove suffering like Gautama Buddha. And any one who is found of Prgya and have sila with karuna can be called as Buddhist. But who called themselves Buddhist without having such qualities is not true follower of Buddha.
- Buddha philosophy is totally against of any discrimination among people and societies, even no Gender discrimination was allowed. Whereas Vedic/ Brahman, these philosophy was fully in support of slavery and racism. Hindu philosophy was upholding the same from their fathers. However they are little liberal, yet this is an issue of fighting because of loosing their fake privilege.
- Hindu Moxsha : Get away from rebirth Soul transfer cycle to never get in again.
Buddha-Nirvana: A state of joy of complete silence where you are found of the highest degree of Pragya with Sila and Karuna, in favor of humanity. And that state will start continuing rebirth to never get away from this cycle among the humans in the form of knowledge transfer. - In Hinduism: expected magic of Faith from the God.
Buddhism: Expected magic of Science from your own mind. - In Hinduism: win by violence support.
Buddhism: win by non-violence support. - In Hinduism: Worshiping other's light.
Buddhism: Worship your own light. - In Hinduism Rishi: Forehead mark Tilak, hairless head with pony.
Buddhism Bhikhhu: No mark or sign on body to show your superiority, Hairless head but no pony. - In Hinduism: God need not to give any examination to achieve his post.
In Buddhism: Buddha has to do a lot hard work to achieve his post. - In Hinduism: Follow Extremist path: Think from the single aspect of a coin.
In Buddhism: Follow Middle path: Think from the both aspect of a Coin.
What is not Dhamma
Belief in God is not essential part of Dhamma. Belief in the supernatural is not dhamma. Belief in soul is not Dhamma. Belief in scarifies is not Dhamma. Belief based on speculation is not Dhamma. Belief reading books of dhamma is not Dhamma.
Takshila and Nalanda